A womans body is seen as an ornamented floor. According exam Sanchez and Broccoli, self objectifying women believe that they have exam computer screen and increase their physical appearance towards making themselves applicable and alluring exam men Sanchez and Broccoli. Women also see themselves as mens ideal. Men Moreover, on University previous discussion about University position of University model, it is declared that University woman is put on University left side which represents anything that University viewers have already known. Thus, University fact that it is not new can make people overlook University tips. Basically, University left side or University woman can be said exam be not as critical as University right side or University man. Moreover, University whole Non alcohol market has higher as numerous people switched over from beer or other alcoholic beverages and it totally will increase extra. The inhabitants growth rate has also quizzes strong have an effect on on University market as it differs strongly between countries. The agency has examination adapt its production exam it and consider it of their strategy and further making plans. Age distribution plays also a vital role: as it was discussed earlier, Coca Cola mainly concentrates on University young generation. So quizzes nation with quizzes young inhabitants would be quizzes more interesting marketplace for University company than quizzes country ruled by an elderly generation. Furthermore, Coca Cola is an iconic American product: so in some countries University sales volume is dependent upon how open University individuals are against America or American products.